

Did you have one of those days lives  where you just did not want to be an adult? Today is one of those days for me.. I do not want to have to adult today.

The morning began at five am. Two hours before my day usually begins and trust me this is not by choice. As I was peacefully dreaming of sugar plumb fairies while I slumbered, okay who am I kidding , it’s usually more of me dreaming of some crazy ax murderer running lose and I’m trying to call the police but the phone doesn’t work.

This morning as I was trying to dodge a flying ax and a broken phone in my sleep I hear this noise that sounds like a very forceful water pouring. I jump up out of my sleep, sorry Mr Ax Murderer you’ll have to wait until my nap this afternoon to cut my head off, and I realize it’s not water being poured but more like dumped by the bucket full! I look and it’s my eleven year old lab mix, Matty. 


He is taking the biggest piss on my bedroom carpeting and even though I say “Matty what are you doing!” he can’t stop. We let the dogs out every night before bed and in all his years he has NEVER peed in the house . So I say, c’mon Matty outside and as I am leaving the bedroom to walk through the living room I notice he has peed in there too with a long streaming line going from the living room into the bedroom. Have you ever broken into to tears at 5 am because something is just such a mess and you don’t know how you’ll clean it up? Yeah, that was me. 

Matty was diagnosed with  hypothyroidism a few months back for which he’s been on medication for. We just had a battery of blood work done on him last week and his levels are perfect. I am praying he is not losing his bladder control because that would mean I would have to put him down and for one, I didn’t think he was ready yet and for two, I don’t have the money to bury him yet. So please if you will, pray this was a one time thing. 

As for me and the husband? This morning we will be pulling out our huge Hoover steam cleaner and spending the morning steam cleaning the bedroom and living room rugs.

If this post has typo’s in it or doesn’t make sense it’s because I am half asleep still and it would seem the ax murderer from my dream has left one of his sickles in the sinus cavity in my left eye. but hey, 

You all have a great day! (yes that was sarcasm but, I really do wish you a great, DRY day)

New Sig

That's All Folks!


Hey everyone! Welcome to my weekly wrap up where I write about what this past week was like.. 

And…….not much to write about today.. I didn’t do a whole lot. I didn’t go out much either. It’s my PMS week, yes I know, TMI but hey, this is my life and that is well, sadly, a huge part of it.. So my body isn’t feeling up to ‘par’ not that it ever is but it’s not feeling up to.. hmm……half the par it usually does? Do ya’ll know about the ‘spoon theory”? If not you can read about it here.

The gist of it is, people who have chronic illness, disability of some kind etc have limited amounts of energy so, we get a certain amount of spoons to use each day. This represents our energy. Each thing you do each day will cost you a certain amount of spoons. When you’re spoons run out, you should be finished with whatever you are doing and ready to rest. The reality is for most of us, we run out of spoons before we are halfway through with our day. Meaning, there are never enough spoons in the day just as people who aren’t sick say “there are never enough hours in the day”.

For me this week my motto is, “I’m always a day late and spoon short” see what I did there? It’s usually, ” I’m always a day late and dollar short” but since I don’t have any dollars either I just replaced it with spoons. Cleaver, yes I know.. Today, Friday, I discovered the art if you call it that, of listening to audio books. I want to try and finish the crochet blanket I’ve been working on for my husband for the last eight months before the cooler weather gets here but I can never seem to make myself sit still long enough anymore. I tried watching YouTube videos but can’t crochet and try and watch an interesting video at the same time so this morning I hunted for a free app on my phone and found one. It’s called LibriVox. I chose Jane Austins “Pride and Prejudice” not that I haven’t read and seen the movies a hundred times but I like it. I began listened and crocheting and ya know, I liked it! I found it very relaxing and it’s a good way to keep myself active while I can’t be active if you know what I mean. 

I did go out on Thursday to take my two old boys Jake and Matty to the vet for check ups and nail clippings. I did get the results of Matty’s blood work today. It was not what we expected but, that’s a post for another day. I have the feeling my body is going to be keeping me it’s prisoner this weekend so I will be a couch and bed potato listening to my new found enjoyment of audio books and working on my husbands blanket when I can.. Yes I know, just so exciting my life is.. 

How was your week? What are your weekend plans? 

New Sig


That’s All Folks!


Hey everyone! Welcome to my weekly wrap up where I write about what this past week was like.. 

And…….not much to write about today.. I didn’t do a whole lot. I didn’t go out much either. It’s my PMS week, yes I know, TMI but hey, this is my life and that is well, sadly, a huge part of it.. So my body isn’t feeling up to ‘par’ not that it ever is but it’s not feeling up to.. hmm……half the par it usually does? Do ya’ll know about the ‘spoon theory”? If not you can read about it here.

The gist of it is, people who have chronic illness, disability of some kind etc have limited amounts of energy so, we get a certain amount of spoons to use each day. This represents our energy. Each thing you do each day will cost you a certain amount of spoons. When you’re spoons run out, you should be finished with whatever you are doing and ready to rest. The reality is for most of us, we run out of spoons before we are halfway through with our day. Meaning, there are never enough spoons in the day just as people who aren’t sick say “there are never enough hours in the day”.

For me this week my motto is, “I’m always a day late and spoon short” see what I did there? It’s usually, ” I’m always a day late and dollar short” but since I don’t have any dollars either I just replaced it with spoons. Cleaver, yes I know.. Today, Friday, I discovered the art if you call it that, of listening to audio books. I want to try and finish the crochet blanket I’ve been working on for my husband for the last eight months before the cooler weather gets here but I can never seem to make myself sit still long enough anymore. I tried watching YouTube videos but can’t crochet and try and watch an interesting video at the same time so this morning I hunted for a free app on my phone and found one. It’s called LibriVox. I chose Jane Austins “Pride and Prejudice” not that I haven’t read and seen the movies a hundred times but I like it. I began listened and crocheting and ya know, I liked it! I found it very relaxing and it’s a good way to keep myself active while I can’t be active if you know what I mean. 

I did go out on Thursday to take my two old boys Jake and Matty to the vet for check ups and nail clippings. I did get the results of Matty’s blood work today. It was not what we expected but, that’s a post for another day. I have the feeling my body is going to be keeping me it’s prisoner this weekend so I will be a couch and bed potato listening to my new found enjoyment of audio books and working on my husbands blanket when I can.. Yes I know, just so exciting my life is.. 

How was your week? What are your weekend plans? 

New Sig


Saturday Snapshots – My Week In Review


What a busy week! As usual my intention was not to have such a busy week but it never seems to go that way….The beginning of the week consisted of running errands almost everyday in this unbearable heat. Here in South Carolina, all week it’s been in the high 90’s again with heat indices of 105 -110. Todays heat index was 117! Yeah, Im SO ready for fall and winter.

Thursday found me in a room that looked like this


And of course once they put you in a room that looks like this they let you sit there and wait and wait and wait some more and well, I am not good at waiting. It’s something I am working on with God. Learning to be more patient. It’s definitely not a strong point of mine so then I began to look like this


That’s my “if the doctor isn’t in here in five minutes I’m leaving I don’t have anymore time to waste” look.

But at least my outfit didn’t look half bad. Yeah I still don’t know how to take an outfit of the day shot. 


I did manage to make a good meal this week. It’s my own healthy version of chicken stir fry.


And poor Toby is just completely frustrated these days because he so badly wants to rough house 


with his sister Sarah 


But it’s just not possible yet.. Poor guy….. And Alvin learned a new lesson on Friday


That you can’t go out in the rain and then run at mach speed into the house where you hit the tile floor because your legs will fall out from underneath you and you will slide across the floor into the table.. Yep, he did that.. Nope he didn’t get hurt and yes I laughed so hard I hurt my gut….

I spent the morning on Friday trying to make some sort of sense out of my craft/office/makeup room. I got 90% of it organized. Just some things left that I need to find homes for. 

Makeup portion of the room. Yeah, it takes a lot for my face to look halfway decent. 


Yes those are filming lights I use to make my YouTube videos. They make the wrinkles look better. 

This is the office/craft portion of the room. Right now I’m just using the furniture I have on hand. Eventually I want white. 


Didn’t come out too badly and at least I have a space and everything has a place to live for now..After I finished this without hurting myself surprisingly, I went to change that garbage bag you see off in the corner there and promptly pulled all the muscles in my chest on the right side so, once again I am off to the showers to see if I can make it feel better.. 

Hope you all had  a great week! 

Blog Signture









Saturday Snaps – Week In Review!

My goodness it’s been hot outside!! I don’t know about the rest of the country (I don’t watch the news) but here in South Carolina it’s been absolutely oppressing! This is what most of the week has looked like here but Friday and Saturday are supposed to be hotter and I keep asking God to turn down the sun just a little bit..


Monday was July 4th and honestly it was just too hot to do anything so we stayed in. I still hadn’t gone food shopping for the month which is late for me. Usually I go on the first but this month it’s just been so hot and humid that we didn’t really need anything that was urgent so I knew it could wait a few days.. 

I had planned on going on Tuesday but when I woke up Tuesday morning I wasn’t feeling all that well so I decided nah, I think I’ll take a “me” day and just rest. I could tell my body was screaming for it and so, thats exactly what I did.. I got out of bed for a cup of coffee, I had some ice cream, etc and spent the day on the couch and in bed besides taking a shower with a good book such as this one.


I admire Cardinal Robert Sarah for many reasons and have wanted to get this book for the longest time and I finally did. I thought Tuesday was a good day to crack it open and it was !.. I love it when sometimes, just sometimes a plan comes together. 

On Wednesday we had to take Alvin and Matty to the vet. Alvin needed his last puppy shot and Matty unfortunately has an ear infection again. We found out its yeast and also may be a chronic thing with his ears because of his hypothyroidism. So we are treating it and will probably always continue to do so. He’s an old boy and well, things start to break down whether you’re an animal or a human.. We deal…

On Thursday I had no choice but to get out and do the food shopping although I was NOT looking forward too it but we were starting to run out of staples. I made myself leave the house by 715 am and I had both Walmart and Costco all done by 11am just as it was really starting to heat up out there. 

Friday I planned on going to the local Food Lion to pick up our produce for the week. They have great produce and the produce at Walmart, well lets just say….. I wouldn’t feed that to anyone but we had thunderstorms roll through Thursday evening around Midnight and my biggest dogs are afraid of them so I was awake until 1 am and it seems Alvin is not afraid of them but he likes to be close and I mean ….CLOSE.. as  you can see here.. 


Yes, that is Alvin under the covers.He likes to sleep on my legs under the blankets..

Friday was also another scorcher as well so I was glad I didn’t go anywhere. This was the temp and heat index at 530 PM.



Yes, you read that right.. Feels like 112! and I can tell you it’s accurate because when I took Alvin out too potty I was begging him to get done because it was so hot and humid..

We are supposed to get more storms tonight (Friday) I am just hoping they come in early so I can get some sleep. I will have to get out early again tomorrow morning to Food Lion but then for the rest of the weekend we are hunkering down in the house in the air conditioning.. 

How was your week? Is it this hot or hotter by you?

Until next time 🙂 

Blog Signture